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Natural Scents for Your Well-being

Aromatherapy Sessions

In my practice, I use aromatherapy as a holistic healing treatment based on the power of natural plant extracts. This method employs essential oils as remedies to activate the self-healing powers of the body, mind, and soul, and to contribute to disease prevention.


A major advantage of aromatherapy, also known as aroma care or phytotherapy, lies in its dual effect on physical and mental health.

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Who is Suitable for Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is suitable for children, adults, and even in veterinary medicine.

Therapy from the nature

What are essential oils?

Essential oils, often referred to as the "fragrant souls of plants," are extracted from various plant parts and serve as plants' protection and "homemade pharmacy". They act on a physical, mental, and spiritual level and have a wide range of effects, from relaxation to mood enhancement.

Application Areas Include:
  • Restlessness and stress

  • Pain relief

  • Cold symptoms

  • Sleep problems

  • Concentration difficulties

  • Irritability and bad mood

  • Adjustment to unusual situations

  • Nausea and digestive issues

  • Exam anxiety

Process of an Aromatherapy Consultation

An aromatherapy consultation typically lasts 30 to 45 minutes. Depending on the issue, the duration can vary. There are special consultation formats for acute or chronic complaints, animal consultations, or for babies and toddlers.

Interested in Aromatherapy?

Sign up for a personal, telephone, or online consultation. I will accompany you and your loved ones on your journey to well-being and inner balance.

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