Cerato: The Intuition Blossom

German name: Bleiwurz, Hornkraut
Latin name: Ceratistigma willmottiana
Basic feeling: Others can do everything better.
Others claim you don'thave your own opinion?
You wonder if you should go for your feelings or if you should ask someone?
Before you do something wrong, do you prefer to ask others for advice?
In the end , however, you are usually right with your first impulse?
Cerato promotes the development ofone's own opinion.
You regain decision-making confidence and confidence in your own inner voice .
It will bepossible for you to take responsibility and decide for yourself.
Cerato for Kids
Basic feeling: Others can do everything better.
For children who ask questions all the time
For children who do not have their own opinion
For children who follow the Masse
For children who follow trends
For children who question their answers (e.g. during classwork)
· Your child likes to copy your behavior or fellow human beings.
· It cannot decide, constantly asks for advice and accepts the opinions of others.
· Ta child lacks self-confidence and thus appears insecure and dependent.
· In the class tests, it crosses out the correct answer and replaces it with the wrong result.
Cerato promotes:
· With your child, to trust himself.
· It learns to listen to its own self.
· Through the regained self-confidence, it learns to make its own decisions.
· Your child now succeeds in not being unsettled by the opinions of others
Cerato for Animals
Basic feeling: I feel insecure and don't dare.
For unsafe animals
For instinctive animals
Homesickness, seeking protection in people and feelingone's own self-confidence.