Pine: The Flower of Self-Acceptance

German name: Scottish pine
Latin name: Pinus sylvestris
Basic feeling: I am to blame for everything.
Do you often have the feeling that you don't really deserve what you have achieved?
You like to apologize for all sorts of things and often spend days reproaching yourself about something that someone else has long forgotten?
When you get a gift, are you often embarrassed?
You think you could do a lot better?
Rarely is your performance good enough for you?
Pine promotes self-acceptance and helps you to free yourself from feelings of guilt and bad conscience towards other people.
You can accept your own mistakes and no longer condemn them.
It allows you to take a different perspective on your perfection.
You become less self-critical.
You will be satisfied with your performance and effort.
Pine for Kids
For children who are conspicuously conscientious
For children who play the scapegoat
For children who often have a guilty conscience
For children who do not tolerate criticism
For children who are afraid of punishment
· Your child tends to develop unfounded feelings of guilt.
· It is constantly afraid of doing something wrong.
· It always wants to do everything perfectly and thus tends to perfectionism.
· Your child feels like they're always pleasing everyone else.
· If something doesn't work properly, it blames itself and takes responsibility for everyone else, even though it has nothing to do with the matter.
· Your child has high demands on himself and thinks he has to do everything even better.
Pine promotes:
· With your child, not feeling responsible for everything.
· It allows your child to learn to make themselves less vulnerable and vulnerable.
· It helps your child to accept, to do himself and his, even if he is flawed to accept.
Pine for Animals
For animals that feel ashamed or guilty for no reason or excessively
Animals constantly seem anxious or shy. Animals are crouched and submissive.
Geduckt and submissive. Seem to have a guilty conscience all the time. Can be triggered by bad experiences with previous owners or other animals.